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Monday, March 1, 2010

Blue Chameleon, written and illustrated by Emily Gravett. Macmillan, H B Fenn. 2010. $19.99 ages 3 and up

"Blue chameleon
Yellow banana
Pink cockatoo"

What a book cover is designed to do is to provide the impetus for a reader to want to explore its pages, to open the cover and delve deeper. Look at the sad and dejected demeanor of the blue chameleon who graces this cover. Don't you yearn to know his story?

It seems the blue is due to the lonlieness he is feeling over being friendless, and he is willing to go that extra mile to find a compatible one. He just wants company. He's more than willing to change color (which is his speciality) but he goes further. He even changes shape to make himself more amenable to his perceived pals. He is polite, interested, and even content with a variety of inanimate objects, adding peculiar and humorous 'bits' to attract their attention. When he finally admits defeat and actually disappears from sight, he chances to hear a friendly voice and learns that good things come to those who wait.

Emily Gravett continues to amaze with her wit, her sparse text that says so much, her textured, gentle illustrations and her incredible talent for finding stories to tell that encourage a love of the written word and the 'need to read'. The humor and the 'dips and dives' that accompany this search for a soulmate will enthrall our youngest readers and have them reading it themselves in no time...but, the conversations might last a lifetime. This is a book to savor and to share forever!

An Emily Gravett library might be one of the greatest gifts you could give to parents and their new addition! They will never outgrow such a gift.

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