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Monday, November 23, 2009

Notebook Know-How, written by Aimee Buckner. Pembroke Publishers, 2005. $20.95 grades 3 teachers and up

"It was September in Georgia, which means it was still hot! My fourth-grade students were filing into the classroom with their first writer's notebooks. The assignment: purchase a notebook that "calls to you" - that yearns for your words to be written down in it. If nothing calls and nothing yearns, then just pick one you like. Everyone must have a notebook for writing today."

I love this book! Aimee Buckner’s ideas for launching notebooks with her students made me want to get right out there and get my own writer’s notebook again. Not only does she talk about strategies for launching notebooks, she also shares great ideas for sustaining daily writing. She and her students talk about sharing their lives. This would be a most helpful book for beginning teachers but also for anyone who has ever struggled with how to make writing more meaningful for their students. As in her book about reader’s notebooks, she provides many suggestions and ideas but encourages writers to make them useful in their own unique ways. Highlighted strategies make for easy reviews and help when needed. This is a book that I would recommend highly to all teachers.

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